miércoles, 11 de septiembre de 2019

The 18th of September

Today for my blog, i would like to write about the "18" and the meaning that surrounds it. As almost every person who has been in chile in september has appreciate that there is a big nationalist movement arownd these dates. A smell of beef, the sound of cueca and the taste of terremoto and mote con huesillo are in every corner. TV shows, comercials, billboards are soked by the "18" ambience, that start apearing the lasts days of august. More than a day to remember the fisrt "junta de gobierno", people and the media are turning it to a way of life, it is like if you do not celebrate this date as the others by going to fondas and drinking and eating excessively, you are not representing your country, you are not that much of a chilean. Eventho I like the 18th of september because it is a time of the year when I meet with all my familly and it is a tradition for us, i think that the way that it is celebrated by most is harmfull. I am not saying that I have the right way to celebrate, but for me, it is the same thing that happens when the national selection of football plays, the entire country stops and this fealing of "being chilean" raise up like an gayser, it is the same fealing that people are having to refuse imigrants. People think that for drinking more wine, for dancing more cueca, for puting the flag, for singing the national anthem, they are more "chilean". And my question for all this people is, what is to be a chilean really?

miércoles, 4 de septiembre de 2019

Yosemite national park

Hello, today for my blog i would like to write about a national park that i have visited. This is Yosemite national park. I went there in december 2017 with my familly, my two parents and my sister. It was winter when i came so all the park was fulled with snow and the lakes were frosen. This park is located in the US, and the nearest city there is Fresno in california. It was actually very fun and impresive to see the big mountains and the wild animals there. When we were there, there were no much activities to do because it was snowing, so we just visit the park on the car drinking hot chocolate and eating cookies, but it was an amazing expirience i definitely would like to come back and see the park on summer of fall to percive the space from a different perspective and not suffering with the cold weather. In summer there are much activities to do, like climbing, doing rafting, canopy and much more. This park in nown for it's nice climbing routs, captain, one of the main atractions, is a mountain that has been climb by many but failed. This was one of my favorites places that i have visit. the

The 18th of September

Today for my blog, i would like to write about the "18" and the meaning that surrounds it. As almost every person who has been in ...